
As an artist possessing strong garment making and metal smithing skills, I play with the two different techniques to fabricate experimental garments and metal sculptures. Even though my pieces embody the two seemingly incompatible materials and disciplines, they are linked with common aesthetic qualities, modalities, and share a same sense of suggestibility. 

Mimetic shapes of individual pieces are all formed precisely yet spontaneously. The preciseness comes from the use of 2D / 3D sketching and modeling, and the spontaneousness comes into play when I allow the different materials to form organically. This includes natural draping effects of fabrics and various forms of oxidization and crystallization of metals. This process further pushes the limitations of the materials in use and changes the psychological perceptions of the medium in multiple perspectives. Is it inevitability or serendipity? Constructed or deconstructed? Intact or Broken? These questions may run through our minds unconsciously while investigating the pieces.